Жизнь - вещь удивительная. Я думаю, никто не станет спорить. Сегодня утром на австралийском аукционе ebay я увидел фантастический лот.
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Это не удачная покупка редкой или винтажной куклы задешево и не парочка пивотальных тел по цене одной игровушки. Это уникальная коллекция, выставленная на продажу.
В лоте представлено более 770 кукол (большая часть из них в состоянии нрфб) и 130 аксессуаров,
основательно сдобренных игрушками Hallmark.
Куклы всех уровней и мастей: от платиновых и конвенционнных....
до игровых с "pink box"-оформлением.
Вся коллекция занимает 8 кубометров и даже страшно представить ее вес. На минутку представьте, как офигеют сотрудники нашей почты,
если к ним придет такой груз. А также сколько успокоительных придется выпить, когда вы его получите))))))))))
С одной стороны, цена кажется непомерной, особенно по российским меркам: 50 000$ это 1 685 000 рублей. Квартира в провинции и, с натяжкой, в Подмосковье. И много чего другого. Но если просто поделить количество кукол без учета множества аксессуаров, аутфитов и украшений, то получится 1 685 000/770 = 2000 рублей. Не тратим ли мы больше иной раз, покупая ту или иную куклу?))))
Трудно сказать, почему человек, собиравший кукол Барби с детства, как указано в сопроводительном тексте, решил расстаться с такой коллекцией. Впрочем, вполне возможно, что решили расстаться родственники недавно почившего собирателя.
Для самых любопытных привожу полный список позиций:
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Silkstones Barbie:
Soiree (blue Dress) Gold Label
Soiree (Pink Dress) Platinum Label
Maria Therese
Chinoiserie (Red Moon)
Muffy Roberts
Lingerie AA (short hair)
Movie Mixer with shipper
Debut (Blonde Hair)
Suite Retreat
A Trace of Lace
Highland Fling
Sunday Best (mark on hat)
Pretty Pleats
Tweed Indeed
Tout De Suite
Happy Go Lightly
Parisienne Pretty
Lingerie (pink, short curly hair)
Market Day (small yellow mark)
Trench Sette (yellow Marks on jacket)
Hollywood Bound 2007 Fan Club Exclusive
The Siren
Palm Beach Breeze with shipper
Palm Beach Swin Suit
Je Ne Sais Quoi
Hollywood Hostess (damaged box, yellow mark on bodice)
45th Anniversary Barbie and Ken Giftset
Continental Holiday Giftset
Fashion Insider Ken
A Model Life
Spa Getaway
Dusk To Dawn (marks on box)
Skiing Vacation
True Brit
Lunch at the Club
New England Escape (yellow marks on Kens shirt)
Garden Party
Blush Becomes Her
New York Yorkie
High Stepping
Country Bound (marks on shirt)
Spotted Shopping
Midnight Mischief
Black Enchantment
Accessory Pack
Pink Label:
Festivals of the World Irish Dance
Festivals of the World Cinco De Mayo
Festivals of the World Diwali
Festivals of the World Kwanzaa (damaged box)
Festivals of the World Carnaval
Festivals of the World Chinese New Year
Landmark Collection Eiffel Tower
Landmark Collection Big Ben
Landmark Collection Statue of Liberty
Landmark Collection Sydney Opera House
Tooth Fairy
Pink Hope
Wizard of Oz Wicked Witch of the East
Mary Poppins
Dolls of the World Spain
Dolls of the World Sumatra-Indonesia
Top Model Resort Barbie
Classique Collection Evening Sophisticate (one nrfb, one mib)
E News Live from the Red Carpet
My Favourite Barbie 1964
My Favourite Barbie 1959
My Favourite Barbie 1962
My Favourite Barbie 1967
My Favourite Barbie 1971
My Favourite Barbie 1977
My Favourite Barbie 1980
My Favourite Ken 1961
Top Model Summer
Top Model Hair Wear Barbie
LA Dodgers
Top Model Nikki (damaged box)
Elvis and Priscilla
My Melody
Go Red for Women
Couture Angel
Jonathan Adler Couch
Dolls of the World Imperial Russia
Doll of the World Renaissance
Dolls of the World Pacific Islands
Dolls of the World Ancient Mexico
Dolls of the World Navajo
Dolls of the World Holland
The Waltz
The Tango
Birds Of Beauty The Flamingo
Birds of Beauty The Swan
Birds of Beauty The Peacock
Barbie Millicent Roberts Power in Pinstripes
Barbie Millicent Roberts Matinee Today
Pink Ice
45th Anniversary Bob Mackie Caucasian
Bronze Sensation
Diana Ross
Diva Collection All That Glitters
Birthday Wishes 2000 (blue dress)
Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader Hispanic
Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader Caucasian
Wizard of Oz Winkie Guard and Winged Monkey
Wizard of Oz Wicked Witch of the West
Duchess of Diamonds
Empress of Emeralds
Queen of Sapphires
Countess of Rubies
Dylans Candy Bar
Jeff Gordon Barbie (slightly damaged box)
Mary Poppins Jane and Michael
Mary Poppins Bert (damaged box)
Barbie 2008
Batik Princess
Lounge Kitties White
Lounge Kitties Black
Hollywood Legends Collection Rhett Butler
Hollywood Legends Collection Scarlett BBQ
Hollywood Legends Collection Scarlett Honeymoon
Vincent Van Gogh Sunflower
Renoir Reflections of Light
Monet Water Lily
Timeless Treasures Cher
Timeless Treasures Elvis in the Eagle Jumpsuit
Timeless Treasures James Dean
Barbie 2002
Dancing fire
Whispering Wind
Avon Exotic Intrigue Caucasian
Avon Exotic Intrigue Hispanic
Avon Exotic Intrigue AA
Cala Lily
Film Premiere Mulan Imperial Beauty
Film Premiere Ariel Aqua Fantasy
Legends of Ireland Spellbound Lover
Legends of Ireland The Bard
Legends of Ireland Faerie Queen (damaged box)
Masquerade Gala Collection Rendevous
MGM Golden Hollywood
FAO Statue of Liberty
Western Plains (MIB)
Golden Waltz
Bowling Champ
Bohemian Glamour
King Kong
Exotic Beauty
I Dream of Jeannie
FAO George Washington
Wonder Woman
Manns Chinese Theatre
Peace and Love 70s
Groovy 60s
Grand Entrance
Grand Entrance 2
Heartsring Angel
Silken Flame
Autumn Rose Belle
Summer Seas Ariel
Winter Frost Sleeping Beauty
Spring Blossom Mulan
Premiere Night
Society Hound
Magic and Mystery Collection Merlin and Morgan Le Fay
Lord of the Rings Arwen and Aragorn
Lord of the Rings Legolas
Lord of the Rings Galadriel
Barbie 2001 (very scuffed)
Barbie 2000 AA ( very scuffed)
Birthday Wishes 2003 Aqua
Birthday Wishes 2003 Pink
Birthday Wishes 2003 Purple
Birthday Wishes 2003 Yellow
Hanae Mori
Holiday Barbie by Bob Mackie 2006
Grease Sandy Black Leather
Grease Sandy Yellow Outfit
35th Anniversary Giftset
Swan Ballerina from swanlake
Flower Ballerina from the nutcracker
Peppermint Cany Cane from the nutcracker
Designer Spotlight Heather Fonseca
Designer Spotlight Katiana Jimenez
Peter Rabbit 100 Year Celebration
1 Modern Circle Barbie Producer
1 Modern Circle Ken Art Director
1 Modern Circle Babrie Black Dress
1 Modern Circle Melody Production Assistant
Winter Concert
Society Girl
Western Chic
Princess and the Pea
Speed Racer
Charity Ball
Enchanted World of Fairies Fairy of the Forest
Enchanted World of Fairies Fairy of the Garden
40 Years of Dreams Bumblebee Barbie
Grand Ole Opry Country Rose
Grand Ole Opry Rising Star
Grand Ole Opry Country Duet
FAO Circus Star
Coca Cola Majorette
Noir Et Blanc
Hollywood Devine
Archie Comics Betty
Archie Comics Veronica
FAO Rockettes
FAO Silver Screen
Golden Qi-Pao
Dooney and Bourke
Pink Ribbon
Classique Collection Romantic Interlude
Classique Collection Starlight Dance AA
Evergreen Princess
Jewel Princess
Peppermint Princess
Midnight Princess
Serenade in Satin
Portrait in Taffeta
Symphony in Chiffon
Ethereal Princess
Jonathan Adler
Hello Kitty 1
Styled by Yuming
Birthstone Beauties October (dented box)
Chinese New Year Year of the Rat
Museum Collection Vincent Van Gogh
Dolls of the World Scotland
Kentucky Derby
Golden Angel
Heidi Klum (creased box)
American Favourites Corvette Pink
American Favourites Corvette Yellow
Happy Birthday Gorgeous
Happy Birthday Angel
Kate Spade
Midnight Tuxedo Collectors Club Exclusive 2000
Coca Cola Soda Fountain Sweetheart
Coca Cola Summer Daydreams
Coca Cola After the Walk
Empress Sissy
Summer in San Francisco
Holiday Angel 2000
Scuderia Ferrari
Jude Deveraux The Raider
Midnight Waltz
Moonlight Waltz
Collectors Request Gold n Glamour
Collectors Request Gay Parisienne
Happy Holidays 1996
50th Anniversary Nascar
Elvis Gold Lame
Hollywood Cast Party
Publicity Tour
Between Takes
Hollywood Premiere
A Day in the Sun
Tales of the Arabian Nights
Steppin Out
Promenade in the Park
Fabulous Forties
Red Hot Diva
Gone Platinum
Solo in the Spotlight repro
Evening Enchantment
Sophisticated Wedding
Romantic Wedding
Millenium Wedding
Peter Rabbit First in Series
Princess of the Nile (damaged box)
Princess of the French Court
Princess of the Portugese Empire
Princess of China
Princess of Ancient Greece
Princess of Japan
Princess of the Incas
Princess of England
Princess of Ireland
Princess of the Danish Court
Princess of Cambodia
Princess of the Vikings
Princess of India
Princess of South Africa
Ferrari Barbie Red Dress
TRU Exclusive Spirit of the Earth
TRU Exclusive Spirit of the Sky
TRU Exclusive Spirit of Water
Pink Box (playline):
Toy Story Hawaiian Vacation
Crystal AA
Western Stampin Tara Lynn
Dolls of the World Norwegian 1995
Dolls of the World Japanese 1995
Dolls of the World Mexican 1995
Toy Story 2 Tour Guide
Indian Diva
Barbie and Kelly Fun Treats
Career Collection Paleontologist
Jewel Secrets 1986 (damaged box)
Costume Ball 1990 (damaged box)
Jakks Pacific Victorian Romance x 2
Coca Cola Splash
Swan Lake Ken as Prince Daniel
Swan Lake Barbie as Odette
Swan Lake Animal Friends
Swan Lake Teresa as the Fairy Queen
Barbie and Kelly Bed Light Magic
Barbie and Skipper Pyjama Fun
Barbie and Kelly Sea Splashin
Princess and the Pauper Prince Dominick
Princess and the Pauper Erika
Princess and the Pauper Princess Anneliese
Seasons Greetings
Ribbons and Roses
Teddy Fun
FAO Shopping Spree
Malibu Barbie
Rockers Diva (head fell off)
Gift Giving
Fashion Fun
Tropical Ken
Tropical Barbie
Sun Lovin Malibu
Pearl Beach
101 Dalmations
Holiday Angel
Spongebob Barbie
Spongebob Teresa
Ice Capades AA
Princess Collection Snow White
Lovin You Giftset
Star Dream
Garden Party
70s Disco
Wedding Wishes
Princess Collection Cinderella
Princess Collection Sleeping Beauty
Pixie Princess
Campbells Alphabet Soup
Lifesavers School Cool
Sweet Treats
Winters Eve
When I read I Dream Heidi
When I Read I Dream Anne of Green Gables
Fairytopia Sparkle Fairy x 3
Fairytopia Mermaid x 2
Winnie the Pooh
Island Fun Barbie and Ken
Harley Quinn
Fantastic 4 Invisible Woman
The Amazing Spiderman Maryjane Wedding
Poison Ivy
Grand Hotel
Martina McBride
Leeann Rimes
Ring in the New Year
Ballet Masquerade
Winters Reflection
Happy Families Grandpa and Grandma
Happy Families Midge and Nikki
Heart Family Dad and Baby
Avon Spring Petals
Barbie and the Sensations
Special Edition Snow Sensation
Mix em Up Barbie and Fashions Giftset
Minnie Mouse
Mickey Mouse
Halloween Princess
Legally Blonde 2
Coca Cola Skate Safe
Coca Cola Party
American Indian
Barbie Loves Tweety
Travel Train Fun
Halloween Special Edition
Caroling Fun
YoYo Skipper
Civil War Nurse
Holiday Season
Tree Trimming
Cali Girl AA
Maskerade Party
Coca Cola Picnic
McDonalds Fun Time
Baking Fun
Happy Holidays Target Exclusive 2009
Barbie 2000, 2001, 2003
Disney Princess Cinderella
Barbie and the Magic of Pegasus Prince Aidan
Barbie and the Magic of Pegasus Brietta
Barbie and the magic of Pegasus Rayla the Cloud Queen
Barbie and the Magic of Pegasus Kelly x 3
Barbie and the Magic of Pegasus Barbie
Expressions of India Wedding Fantasy
Expressions of India Soni Punjabi
Expressions of India Sundari Guyrati
Expressions of India Rooprati Rajasthani
60s Fun
Costume Ball Ken
Day to Night AA
Fruit Style
Disney Fun 1997
Disney Fun 1996
Disney Weekend
Walt Disney World 25th Anniversary
Barbie Shoe Fun
Barbie Style
Little Debbie x2
Barbie Royal Romance Giftset (damaged box)
Simply Charming
She Said Yes
Carrefour French Chain Store Exclusive x 2
The Bay
I Can Be Architect
I Can Be Paleontologist
I Can Be Space Camp Giftset
I Can Be Babysitter Giftset
I Can Be Race Car Driver
I can Be Rock Star
I Can Be TV Presenter
I Can Be Computer Tech
I Can Be Wedding Giftset
Halloween Party 2010
Secrets of the Three Teardrops
DC Comics Wonder Woman
DC Comics Catwoman
DC Comics Batgirl
DC Comics Supergirl
Avon Talk of the Town
Sees Candies I Left my heart in San Francisco
Sees Candies No Box
Hooray for Hollywood
Timeless Silhouette
Happy Families Midge
Happy Families Doctor
Happy Families Alan and Ryan
Paul Frank Blue PJs (damaged box)
Chinese Bride (broken box)
Eden Starling A Christmas Carol
Grolier Special Edition The Front Window
Barbie in India
Ken in India (sticky face)
Camping Barbie
Camping Ken
Camping Skipper
Camping Stacie and Kelly
Barbie with Vanity and Mirror
Disney POTC Will and Jack Sparrow
Groom Ken
Route 66 Barbecue Bash
Disney Mary Poppins
Singing Sisters Giftset
Scooby Doo and Shaggy
Scooby Doo and Fred
Scooby Doo and Velma
Scooby Doo and Daphne x 2
Curious George
Space Camp
Halloween Party Barbie and Ken
Barbie for President 2000 AA
Eden Starling and the Three Christmas Sprites
Three Cristmas Sprites Giftset
Winter Holiday Giftset
Toy Story 3 Made For Each Other
Toy Story 3 Barbie Loves Woody
Toy Story 3 Barbie Loves Buzz
Toy Story 3 Barbie Loves Alien
Toy Story 3 Ken Loves Barbie
Toy Story 3 Great Shape Barbie
Toy Story 3 Barbie Loves Jessie
Toy Story 3 Barbie Loves Ken
Then and Now
Chinese Exclusive Florist
Jolly Holiday Mary Poppins
Happy Birthday
Barbie Loves Daffy
Easter Party European
Super Hair 1986
Dinner Date
Halloween Star 2005
Make a Valentine
Happy Birthday (early 90s release yellow plastic)
Disney Resort Vacation Giftset
Angelic Harmony
International Travel
Fifties Fun
Disney Barbie AA 1990
Victorian Tea
Vacation Sensation
Chinese Exclusive School Cool
Horse Lovin Ken 1982
United Colours of Bennetton
Spring Things
Christmas Morning
Pink Halloween
Fashionistas Sweetie
Fashionistas Sassy
Happy Holidays 2008 Pink
Happy Holidays 2008 Red
SIS Rocawear Grace
Fun To Dress 1988
Barbie and Kelly Pink Holiday Giftset
Superstar Barbie 2009
Movie Star Barbie
Chinese Exclusive Barbie and Fashion Giftset
Detective (damaged box)
Mother Goose Story Time Giftset ( damaged Box)
Holiday Angel
Rockers Barbie 1985
Rockers Dana 1985
Rockers Diva 1985
Rockers Derek 1985
Rockers Dee Dee 1985
Country Kicks Barbie
Top Model Hair Wear Summer (damaged box)
Top Model Hear Wear Teresa (damaged box)
I Dream in Pink
Fun to Dress
Holiday Wishes
Halloween Charm
Halloween Fortune
Holiday Joy
Fashion Jeans Ken
Hip 2 Be Square AA
Twirly Curls
Bootiful Halloween
Halloween Hip
Fashion Avenue Barbie
Chinese Exclusive Baker
Tickle Me Elmo
Party Party Party
Butterfly Art
Holiday Party
Christmas Morning 2008
Holiday Sparkle
Barbie Trick or Chic
Barbie for President 2008
Country Girl
Breakfast with Barbie
Animal Kingdom
Twinkle Lights
Sun Sensation
Easter Garden Hunt AA
Silver Label:
Chocolate Obsession
Peppermint Obsession
Citrus Obsession
Fairytopia Enchantress
Lilly Pulitzer
Flintstones Betty and Wilma
Birthday Wishes Blue
Birthday Wishes Pink
I Dream of Winter
I Dream of Summer
I Dream of Spring
I Dream of Autumn
Titania Midsummer Nights Dream
Juliet Ballet Romeo and Juliet
Alice in Wonderland Mad Hatter
Alice in Wonderland Alice
Alice in Wonderland Queen of Hearts
Legends of Ireland Aine
Black Label:
Barbie Basics 001 #1
Barbie Basics 001 #2
Barbie Basics 001 #3
Barbie Basics 001 #5
Barbie Basics 001 #6
Barbie Basics 001 #8
Barbie Basics 001 #9
Barbie Basics 001 #11
Barbie Basics Red Collection #1
Barbie Basics Red Collection Clothes #1
Barbie Basics 1.5 #1
Barbie Basics 1.5 #4
Barbie Shoes 1.5 #2
Barbie Basics Denim 002 #5
Barbie Basics Denim 002 #3
James Bond Honey Ryder
James Bond Pussy Galore
James Bond Jinx
Alfred Hitchcocks The Birds
Cher Black Leather
Gold Label:
Inuit Legend
Ferrari 2005
Juicy Couture (broken box at back)
Juicy Couture Beverly Hills
Bob Mackie Red Carpet Collection Brunette Brilliance with sketch and shipper
Bob Mackie Red Carpet Collection Radiant Redhead with sketch and shipper
Bob Mackie Amethyst Aura
Bob Mackie Goddess of Africa
Happy New Year
Festive and Fabulous
Monique Lhuillier
Wind Rider with shipper
Pin Up Girls Hula Honey
Pin Up Girls Lady Luck
Jazz Baby Cabaret Dancer (damaged box)
Jazz Baby Cabaret Dancer (damaged box)
Jazz Baby Cabaret Dancer (damaged box)
Jazz Baby Mistress of Ceremonies (damaged box)
Jazz Baby Jazz Diva (damaged box)
Happy Chinese New Year
James Bond Giftset
Addams Family Giftset
Munsters Giftset
Anna Sui Boho Barbie
Elina Live in Fairytopia
Hard Rock Cafe Afro Hair AA
Hard Rock Cafe 2009
Hard Rock Cafe I love Rock n Roll
Hard Rock Cafe 2003
Hard Rock Cafe 2004
Hard Rock Cafe 2006
Enchanted Mermaid
Ferrari Barbie Red Suit
Byron Lars Chapeaux Collection Sugar
Byron Lars Chapeaux Collection Pepper
Byron Lars Treasures of Africa Moja
Byron Lars Treasures of Africa Mbili
Byron Lars Treasures of Africa Tatu
Byron Lars Indigo Obsession
Byron Lars Cinnebar Sensation
Harley Barbie 1999
Harley Ken 1999
Harley Barbie 1998
Harley Barbie
Platinum Label:
Splash of Silver
Glimmer of Gold
Film Noir (also listed under convention)
Pin Up Girls Way Out West Blonde
Legends of Ireland Diedre of Ulster
Reem Acra Blonde
Dallas Darlin
Joie De Vivre
Canberra Aurora Australis Spirit of the Southern Sky (damaged box)
Masquerade Giftset 2005
Film Noir
Hollywood Backdrop
Goodie Packs
Voyage in Vintage 2009
Dallas Darlin Platinum and Convention
Black Scarf 2009 Convention
Barbie in Holland Vlieger eens Uit
Photo Studio
Joie De Vivre
Red, White and Beautiful 2009
Tribute Giftset 2009
A Golden Year Fashion Dressmaker Details Couture
Rolling Clothes Rack and Hangers
Various Convention Packs and bits and pieces
Bob Mackie Charleston
Prima Ballerina Lighter Than Air
Prima Ballerina Classic Grace
Holiday Gift
Holiday Ball
Fashion Frames Solo in the Spotlight
Fashion Frames Suburban Shopper
Playsets and Other:
Hot Tub Party Bus
Swan Lake Enchanted Castle
Island Princess Royal Castle Greenhouse
Island Princess Barbie and Vanity Giftset
Fashion Fever Fab Footrest
Fashion Fever Crystal Chair
Fashion Fever Kitty Corner
Fashion Fever Blue Mod Chair
Fashion Fever Sweet Dreams Bed
Fashion Fever Velvety Crush Couch
Fashion Fever Study Space
Fashion Fever Vanity
Fashion Fever Tea for Two
Fashion Fever Hair Shop
Fashion Fun
Fashion Fever Boutique (played with)
Fashion Fever Barbie and Entertainment Unit
Fashion Fever Bath Time
Dining Room (no box)
5 Piece Holiday Ornament
50th Anniversary Doll Travel Case x 2
Doll Case
Cosmetic Set 1989
Collectors Club Kit 2000 with Fashion
Harley Fat Boy
Prince and the Pauper Royal Kingdom Carriage
Swan Lake Lila Unicorn Carriage
Special Collection Holiday Presents
Gardenin Pretty Giftset
Mini Bs
Charming Barbie Gold Fossil Watch
My House Bathtub and Toilet Playset
My House Shower Playset
My House Couch and Table
My House Dining Set
My House Bedroom Giftset
Beauty the Dog
Prince the Dog
Gwen Stefani Bananas
Hilary Duff Red Carpet Glam
Holiday Wishes Giftset
My Family Life Dressing Room
My Family Life Cooking Corner
My Family Life Dining Area
Coleman Camping
Bake Shop and Cafe
Twice as Nice Fashion
Dream Game Room
Specail Collection Greenhouse
Special Collection Beautiful Dining
Special Collection Bakeware Set
Special Collection Bath and Vanity Set
My Favourite Barbie Vintage Repro Shoes x 2
Assorted Fashions from all eras
Happy Familiy Neighbourhood
Bubble Bath and Body Lotion 1980s
Decor Collection Bed (damaged box)
Decor Collection Coffee Tables (damaged box)
Swan Lake Enchanted Forest Playset (original box, played with)
My Scene Dressing Room
My Scene Make Up Scene
Chinese Folding Screens x 2
Toiletry Bag
Patricia Field Handbag Shanghai Exclusive
Day to Night Fashion
Flight Time Playset
Bradford Exchange Timeless Trends Charm Bracelet
Bradford Exchange Rotating Watch
Assouline Special Edition Book
Cleanin House Dress n Play
Makin Breakfast Dress n Play
Active Fashion
Disney Fashion
Dreamglow Fashion
Pretty Treasures Armoire
Cooking Magic Pizza Party
Cooking Magic Dessert Set
Fashion Avenue Collection
Vintage Style Clock Radio
The Magic Of Pegasus The Magic Cloud Kingdom
My Scene Handbag
Various Single Pack Dressmaker Details Couture
Vintage Style Melamine Tray and Tumbler Set
Bob Mackie Queen of Hearts Ornament (dented on one side)
Bob Mackie Queen of Hearts Vase
Circus Star Watch
Enesco Southern Belle Plate (no box or coa for any plates)
Enesco Glinda Plate (chipped edge)
Enesco Silver Screen Plate
Enesco Campus Sweetheart Plate
Enesco Happy Holidays 1996 Plate
Enesco Circus Star Plate
Enesco After Five Plate
Enesco Holiday Dance Plate
Forever Glamorous Plate Solo in the Spolight
Forever Glamorous Plate Sophisticated Lady
Melrose Morning Fashion Collectors Club Exclusive
Glamour Jet
Enchanted Castle
Cali Girl Hawaiian Hotel
Bridal Boutique
Desk and Chair Playset
Spin to Clean Laundry
Collectors Club Kits x 2
Carious Holiday Ornaments
Cali Girl Hang 10 Surf Shop
Cali Girl Hang 10 Pool
Fashion Avenue Clothes
Jewel Secrets Fashions
Romantic Princess Parlor
Coca Cola Soda Fountain
Fashion Fever Bookends
Bob Mackie Goddess of the Moon and Sun Plate Set
Solo in the Spotlight Tea Set
Magic of Pegasus
I Can Be Cake Baker
Kool Aid Stand
Great Date Outfit
Beauty Bath 1992
Finishing Touches City Nights
Dream House (no box)
Dream House Vanity
Happy Families Grandmas Kitchen
Claires Boutique x 2 (1 boxed, 1 unboxed)
Hallmark Ornaments:
Celebration 2001
Celebration 2008
Celebration 2005
Celebration 2002
Celebration 2006
Celebration 2003
Celebration 2004
Celebration 2007
The Magic of Pegasus
The Soiree
Happy Holidays 1997
Solo in the Spotlight
Preferably Pink
45th Anniversary Shoe Tree
45th Anniversary barbie by Bob Mackie
1937 Car (non barbie)
Road Trip
Country Club Dance
Adding The Right Touches
Shopping for Shoes
Princess and the Pauper
Teenage Fashion Model
Star Vette
Three Musketeers
Eden Starling
Best in Show
In The Spotlight Runway and Display (club exclusive)
Perfect Evening Out
St. Nick (non barbie)
Shoe Tree
Its all About The Shoes
Little Black Dress
Fashion Minis
Club Meeting
Barbie as Rosella
Continental Holiday
Fashion Pup
Family Deluxe House
Shoe Sational
Holiday Red (loose)
Loose Dolls (no coas)
Dolls without box:
Day to Night (marked outfit)
Phoebus (disney)
John (Disneys Pocahontas)
Esmerelda (disney)
Spring in Tokyo (no coa)
Winter in Montreal (no coa)
Summer in Rome (no coa, marked dress)
Autumn in London (no coa)
Autumn in Paris (no coa)
Winter in New York (no coa)
Coca Cola Car Hop (broken platter, no coa)
Coca Cola Ken (very Dirty, no coa)
Coca Cola Barbie Cheer Squad (sticky legs, no coa, broken jacket)
Debut 1959
Marilyn Monroe Seven Year Itch
Marilyn Monroe Gentlemen Prefer Blondes
Marilyn Monroe
Dreamglow (marked)
Coca Cola 2000
Peaches n Cream x2 (marked)
Fashion Avenue Clothes and Generic Dolls
Christmas 1993
Christmas 1992
Christmas 1997
Dorothy 1995 Release (very marked dirty dress)
Disney Snow White Evil Queen
Snowflake from the Nutcracker
Sleeping Beauty
Rockers 1986
Rapunzel (marked dress)
Tin Man
Cruella De Ville
Loving You
Angel of Joy 1998 (damaged Dress)
Angel of Peace 1999 (damaged dress)
Costume Ball Barbie and Ken (marked)
Dolls of the World Ireland
Dolls of the World India (missing shoe)
Bo Peep
Romeo and Juliet
Beauty and the Beast
Snow White
Magic Moves (still works)
Sugar Plum Ballerina from the Nutcracker
Dream Date
Swan Queen From Swan Lake
Silkstone New England Escape on two generic dolls
Lights and Lace Barbie
Secret Hearts Barbie and Ken
Silver Royale
Marzipan from the Nutcracker
Comics Catwoman and Batman
Cute as a Bunny Melody, Kelly and Marisa
Nostalgic Favourites
Alice and the Mad Hatter
Wizard of Oz x 2
Mickey and Minnie
Raggedy Anne and Andy
Happy Family Neighbourhood Happy Birthday
Kelly Club 5 Holiday Bunch
Kelly Club 5 Ballet Bunch
Rayana rock on Baby ooak
Flintstones Pebbles and Bam Bam
Flintstones Fred and Wilma
Holiday Kelly x3
Swan Lake Baby Swan
Swan Lake Carlita Skunk
Swan Lake Porcupine
Swan Lake Friendly Fawn
Swan Lake Fiesty Fox
Swan Lake Merry Mouse
Princess and the Pauper x 4
Large Size Holiday Kelly
Friends of the World Europe
A Cristmas Carol Giftset
Pink is for Girls 4 Pack
Fantasy Tles Tea Party Giftset
Lullaby Munchkin
Halloween Party Pumpkin, Witch x2, Spider, Mummy
Munchkins Wizard of Oz
Department 56 Pet Saloon and Boutique
Department 56 North Pole
Hawthorne Villages Hotel Barbie
Hawthorne Villages On Stage
Hawthorne Villages Supper Club
Hawthorne Villages Up In Lights Theatre
Hawthorne Villages Barbie Boutique
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